“The beuaty and the sublime” is the title of my bachelor project from Kolding Design School.

Today we live in a society where we strive to be the perfect version of ourselves. We prefer to perform the best, and preferably completely flawless. We realize ourselves, decorate and cut away


things, so we can live up to the notion of perfection. Today we talk about the concept of “culture of perfection”, which is a trend that characterize our society and existence. I work with the phenomena “Culture of perfection” as a trend forecaster through my project and I try to challenge our perception about the perfect and the imperfect – with other words; “the beauty and the sublime”.

The result of my process is an aesthetic-poetic women collection of 6 outfits.

With a design professional and experimental approach, I look into the diversity of the body. I try to shake our perception of the ideal of beauty in terms of the body, silhouettes and proportions.
Finally, my project contains a research work on minimizing waste when it comes to production and residual materials. In this project, I investigate how I can minimize waste and find new ways to design using, among other things, the principle of zero-waste and collage, and thus inspire a more sustainable business model. I use the waste from my own process, and make it to something new and valuable.

Today we live in a world of materials and material things. Therefore, materials are an essential factor when talking about sustainability.
In my project, I have a critical approach to the choice of my materials. I have, as far as possible, chosen natural materials such as silk, wool and cotton.
In my choice of materials there is also a contrast between the beautiful and the sublime. Where you can argue that leftovers and clippings belong to the unsightly or the sublime category, I also work with decoration of my textiles, including prints, textures and pearls from Swarovski, of which the latter belongs in the beautiful and links directly to my theme based on the culture of perfection and the idea that we adorn ourselves with the sparkling, shiny, expensive and new.

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Prints, Womenswear, Ethical Fashion Initiative, Women's, Pattern cutting


collage, sustainability, zero-waste


wool, silk, natural materials
