Most recent update: 25 may 2018
The following provisions provide details of how Eyes on Talents collects and uses personal data belonging to Members and notifies them of measures taken by Eyes on Talents to protect personal data during use of the Platform, in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereafter GDPR).
Eyes on Talents considers data privacy to be of the greatest importance and undertakes to protect the personal data of Members. As data controller, Eyes on Talents conforms to the GDPR obligations whilst collecting and processing the personal data of Members.
All specific request concerning your Personal Data should be sent to: [email protected]
Eyes on Talents may collect the personal data of Members through their accounts when they register with the Platform and when they are using it.
If a Member refuses its consent for Eyes on Talents to harvest Personal Data, Eyes on Talents will be unable to activate its account or supply the services.
Eyes on Talents regularly offers new functionalities. If Eyes on Talents decides to collect substantially different Personal Data or to modify its privacy and Personal Data protection policy substantially, it will inform Members.
Personal Data will be used for the following purposes:
Eyes on Talents will be entitled to use the Creative Content, Contributions, Ads and generally all information and content supplied by Members for commercial presentation and communication tool creation purposes.
The Platform offers Members «Newsletter” services free of charge to which they may subscribe at their discretion. The "Newsletter" will contain talent news and event information in the various creative fields.
To benefit from these services, Members give their consent when creating an account.
Eyes on Talents allows Creative Users no longer wishing to receive the "Newsletter" to be deleted from the distribution list by clicking the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the Newsletter.
A Corporate User’s Personal Data will be retained by Eyes on Talents for as long as the Corporate User's account remains open, plus a period of 5 years after closure of its account, except in case of a new request on behalf of the user.
A Creative User's Personal Data will be retained by Eyes on Talents for :
A Visitor's Personal Data will be retained by Eyes on Talents for as long as the Visitor's account remains open, plus a period of 3 years after closure of its account, except in case of a new request on behalf of the user.
Personal Data will be archived for technical reasons only for the applicable retention period and will be destroyed after its expiry.
Eyes on Talents process and transfers with personal Data both on EU territory and outside, relying on the juridical process (verification of the protection level of Members and relevant contractual clauses) to ensure a legal transfer and confidentiality of data, beyond borders.
The recipients of the Personal Data are Eyes on Talents, Members, the Visitors and the service providers with whom Eyes on Talents collaborates.
Unless otherwise provided herein, Eyes on Talents shall not sell, rent or disclose Personal Data to any third party unless a statutory provision, regulation or decision of a court requires it to do so. Eyes on Talents agrees at all times to take all necessary measures to protect Personal Data.
Members are informed they have a right of access, rectification, suppression or portability of their Personal Data, as well as rights to request the limitation or to oppose to any treatment and withdraw all previous consent given in the context of the account activation (except necessary data for the normal functioning of his or her account and related services), and can claim these by emailing [email protected] or by post at the following address:
Eyes on Talents – DPO
52, Boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris
The Member also has the right to give instructions on the fate of his or her Personal Data in case of death, as well as the right to file a complaint at any point with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés).
At a Visitor’s or Creative User's request, Eyes on Talents will delete all Personal Data concerning that Creative User from its database, thus cancelling his or her registration with the Platform.
At a Corporate User’s request, Eyes on Talents will delete all Personal Data concerning that Corporate User from its database, thus cancelling its registration with the Platform.
The Corporate User using the platform on behalf of a Company or third party has a duty to inform the Company or third party about his request to delete all Personal Data concerning him or her, in order to avoid the deletion of the said Company or third party’s subscription to the platform, which can then select another Corporate User for the account.
Eyes on Talents will use its best endeavours to protect the Personal Data of Members against damage, loss, misuse, hacking, intrusion, disclosure, tampering and destruction.
Eyes on Talents IT systems enjoy state of the art physical and software protection. It applies physical and electronic backup procedures to protect Personal Data collected on the Platform according to GDPR.
However, Eyes on Talents has no control over risks associated with Internet use and draws Members’ attention to their exposure to possible occasional data losses or compromised data privacy when transiting via the Internet.
All Personal Data is stocked in secure and dedicated servers in Ireland, member of the EU, at Amazon Web Services LLC.
Members are informed upon their first access to the Platform, a cookie will automatically be installed on the hard drive of his hardware terminal.
The Member is informed that, whilst connecting on the Platform and using its services, cookies are installed in their Hardware Terminal (computer, Tablet, Smartphone…) in order to ensure the correct functioning of the services, or on their Browser according to the preferences chosen concerning cookies, preferences which can be modified at any time.
This cookie will record information about the Member’s Platform browsing (pages visited, date/time of the visit, etc.) and for audience statistics:
Browsing cookies allow to improve the performance of services and give the Member a better usage of the platform.
Browsing cookies specifically allow:
To adapt the presentation of the platform to the terminal’s preferences (language, resolution, performance…) during the Member’s visits on the Platform, in accordance with the viewing and reading material and software that the terminal comprises;
To memorise information that a Member has filled on the Platform, or has chosen on the Platform;
To carry out security measures, for instance when the member is asked to sign in again to access content or a service after a certain lapse of time.
Audience statistics cookies help to establish statistics and metrics to analyse the behaviour on the platform (content visited, paths…) allowing Eyes on Talents to improve the interest and user experience of its services. Eyes on Talents uses the Google Analytics audience statistics cookies.
In browsing the Platform, Members consent to the installation of cookies on their hard drives.
If the Member accepts via his or her internet browser the recording of cookies in his or her terminal, the cookies integrated in the pages and content he or she has visited could temporarily be stocked in a dedicated space of their terminal. These will only be visible by their emitter. Consent given by the Member is only valid for thirteen (13) months, starting the first recording in the hardware terminal of the Member, following his or her consent.
Members can withdraw their concent concerning the cookies by clicking on the link below: Delete Cookies.