What does it mean to experience fashion in the two-dimensional realm? DIAGNOSTICS – a collection created for virtual consumption only – seeks to examine the implications of the screen-based fashion experience.
Comprising of artificial shapes and synthetic materials DIAGNOSTICS is a ten look exercise
in identity play. Reminiscent of how we construct our image in the online world, the pieces are brought to life through the model’s movement on film. Unlike any serious workout routine, the video shows a set of motions resembling someone’s inhibited range of motions after too much time spent behind the screen. The predominately muted colors and flattened spatiality of the set’s white space creates a sense of disconnect – as if the presented fashion is all but real.
February 2019
Textiles, Womenswear, Outerwear, Pattern cutting, Streetwear, Virtual collection
Draping, Coating, Bonding, Layering
Denim, Rubber, wool, Neoprene, Mesh, Microfibre, Tech
Photoshop, InDesign, Imovie, Finalcut