Clementine Chambon
Clementine Chambon
Based in
Creation year

Clémentine Chambon was born in Nîmes in 1979.
After graduating from the Boulle design school and the ENSCI design school, she joins Marc Newson’s agency in 2003 for a collaboration that will last until 2006.
In 2004, she gets a project support scheme from the VIA, Rideau Lumière, “Light curtain”, han


d-woven optical fibers powered by LEDs. This hybrid creation has established groundwork for a creative approach on light, its sensorial exploration coupled with new technology.
In 2008, she cofounds Design Percept until 2018. The studio creates exceptional pieces such, collaborates on innovative projects for major companies, takes part in exhibitions in France and overseas.
Clémentine Chambon works with design companies since 2014, such as Bonacina1889, Roche Bobois.

In 2019, she gets a design research residency opened by ENSCI for the development of the Paperwork, OLED paper light exploration project and launches her own design studio.
During Milan Design Week 2019, she reveals two carpets designed for Nodus Rug based on light spectrum graphic representation.
Six pieces around Elliptic Chair are currently in process of acquisition by the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP).

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The Art Design Lab
Beyrouth Design Week Oct. 2019 - Present
Beyrouth, Lebanon

Collective exhibition of drawings and mock-ups represented by The Art Design Lab, during Beyrouth Design Week

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Createur industriel
ENSCI Dec. 2017 - Present
École Boulle - Design et Métiers d'Arts (Paris) Jun. 2003 - Present

Félicitations du jury

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Designer(s) du design
Lille World Design Capital Sep. 2020 - Nov. 2020
Lille, France

The exhibition ​“Design designer(s)” sets out to depict the landscape, diversity, evolutions and ideas of French design based on designers and their projects.

With choices made in collaboration with famous names in contemporary design, this exhibition will present some sixty designers, projects, co


mpany processes and key figures and, above all, the ways in which designers create, get involved, communicate and produce through an array of practices.

The designers presented illustrate the universal French spirit : they are creative (putting forward ideas), involved (seeking to share these ideas with as many people as possible) and influential, having taught, trained, informed, helped or inspired subsequent generations.

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Biennale Emergences
Est Ensemble Oct. 2020 - Oct. 2020
Pantin, France

Resources, the theme of Est Ensemble’s next Emergences Biennial, calls upon designers, craftsmen and material artists to give dimension to the mutations currently going on in the way we use resources. Because whether they are material, technical or intellectual, these resources give a uniqueness to c


reative gestures and the products that result from them(...)By echoing this new awareness that will irrigate the ecosystem of design and savoir-faire in the future, this 6th edition of Emergences will resonate creations on many different scales and horizons. With the visitors who come to Emergence, we wish to reveal “remarkable resources” and shed light on new economies, new uses and new aesthetics.

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Rencontres de l'AFELIM
Association Française d'Electronique Imprimée Sep. 2020 - Sep. 2020
Paris, France

Professional networking and conferences cycles about printed electronics innovations

Creative workshop
Leroy Merlin x Paris Design Week Sep. 2019 - Sep. 2019
Paris, France

Creative workshop session, event organized with Mot Compte Double communication agency for Leroy Merlin during the Paris Design Week 2019, indoor light theme. Following a material and LEDs sourcing with Leroy Merlin,workshop facilitation and coordination within a group of a dozen people, children and


adults, from various backgrounds. Object analysis, brainstorming, material experimentation and prototyping ideas, every step is a simple achievement and leads to enhance creativity. At the end of the session, each participant is invited to share their ideas and present their prototype within the group.

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Designer and business partner
Design Percept Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2018
Paris, France

Design agency, specialized in concept and collection creation
Expertise : Inspiration, technology watch, material sourcing, pattern material color, smart textile
Collaborations : AKQA Paris, Alstom Transport, Declercq Passementiers, Décathlon, Dickson, Ecophon / Saint-Gobain, EDF, Facom, Hôtel Pen


insula Paris, Parfums Christian Dior, Phélippeau Tapissier, Renault, Tarkett
Exhibitions : Paris Design Week showroom Declercq Passementiers, Textifood Universal Exhibition in Milan French Pavilion, International Biennale of Saint Etienne EDF les Labos, La Nouvelle France Industrielle Salon de l'Elysée, Batimat Espace Zoom Touch Distinctions Star of the Observeur du Design APCI in 2017

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CMF & Mood Lighting project manager
Marc Newson Ltd Sep. 2003 - Dec. 2006
Paris, France

Mission of project manager ‘CMF’ (Color, Materials, Finishes), Soft Products, Mood Lighting The "CMF" pole consisted of the creation, development, manufacturing follow-up of all the colors, materials and finishes of the A380 cabin, in each class. "Soft product" included the creation and monitoring of


manufacture of all aircraft comfort linen, differentiated for each class. 'Cabin Mood Lighting development' consisted of the adaptation and development of a proposal for light in the interior, sound articulation in scenarios personalized for each class, taking into account the interactions between colors and materials. Teamwork with the designers of the agency and freelancers, trips to Europe and to internationally, constitution of a material library dedicated to the project, creation of new materials that meet the constraints of aeronautics.

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Software skills

Adobe CC Suite

Rhino 3D Modeling Software




Native language



Rotin Impertinent

Depuis Nîmes, sa ville natale, l'inclassable designer Clémentine Chambon poursuit ses expérimentations tous azimut sur la forme, la lumière et la couleur. Son iconique "Elliptic chair", édité par Bonacina 1889, vient d'entrer dans la collection du Centre National des Arts Plastiques, retour sur une g


enèse audacieuse.

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Focus : Le design éclairé de Clementine Chambon

Entre ses collaborations avec de grands éditeurs de mobilier, la designer Clémentine Chambon renouvelle notre rapport à la lumière à l’aide de textiles et de papier qu’elle couple aux dernières technologies. Portrait.

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Design x Life : l’élan de solidarité de la communauté du design

Le monde du design n’est pas insensible à la crise sanitaire que traverse le monde… Après la fabrication de matériel de protection et de soin, place à la récolte de fonds avec « Design x Life », une vente initiée par le designer Sam Baron et la fondatrice de la galerie The Art Design Lab, Karine Sche



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Lille World Design Street Festival

Présentation des différents évènements organisés à Lille Métropole pour le World Design Street Festival

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Tendances 2019

Le terrazzo a régné en maître durant plusieurs saisons. Pas encore tout à fait « out », il inspire cette année des impressions et décors pixellisés. Une tendance qui évolue vers un look plus digital…

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Design, Novelties / Alfombras Nodus para deleitar Milán

Texturas, efectos, colores e historias concentradas en nueve alfombras de nueve artistas Nodus en la Milan Design Week 2019

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Avec son modèle d'orbites elliptiques, Johannes Kepler aura marqué les esprits, aussi bien pour le mouvement des planètes que pour celui des électrons. S’inscrivant dans cette dynamique, Elliptic armchair, de la designer Clémentine Chambon, offre un fauteuil conjuguant élan, symétrie et complexité.

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Tendance : Une design week aux accents textiles

Ces entreprises sont spécialisées dans le textile, du revêtement à l'ornement, et développent chaque jour leur savoir-faire. A l'occasion de la Paris Design Week 2018, elles ont choisi de collaborer avec des designers avec lesquels elles ont développé des échanges fructueux. Revue de détail…

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Paris Design Week | Experiment of light

Exposition en forme d'installation interactive, "Experiment of light" conjugue passementerie, optique et technologie sans fil. Soit le fruit d'une triple expertise, celle du studio Design Percept (Clémentine Chambon et Françoise Mamert), de la Maison Declercq Passementiers et de l'entreprise Casambi.


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Interview : Design Percept – Françoise Mamert et Clémentine Chambon

C’est à Bastille dans un studio où respire la collaboration fructueuse que nous nous rendons pour rencontrer Clémentine Chambon et Françoise Mamert, duo aussi créatif que passionné sous le nom Design Percept.

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