Its all about the extra! It turns design into something unique and individual. The Collection is critically referring to the additional packages with masses of extras that are launched by the car industry. Every piece of clothing is an individual. While car seats are defined by levels of comfort and


luxury, my collection is about the idea of extra itself. In every single garment, the creative-artful aspect shall be visible: ART-XE it is ‘ART stands for art and ‘XE’ is a short form for Swiss-German ‘gseh’,’gesehen’, which means ‘seen’ in English – the whole world is ‘extra’ read backwards. ARTXE highlights the extra not as an addition, but as the artful-aesthetic other that adds a special expression to the whole. With this approach, the extra-auto-collection is created. However ‘auto’ no longer stands for ‘car’, but refers to its original meaning of ‘self-creating’, ‘individuall’ and unique’. It addresses the autonomy of the costumer.

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Sportswear, Menswear

Projet suivant par Kathrin Grossenbacher