
⁠Eyes on Talents member, smarin, organised a Design Session workshop last summer in Nice, France, looking at the impact of certain textile industry practices, particularly fast fashion, and trying to think differently about consumption and textiles. Using recycled jeans collected by the ABI 06 textile recycling and social integration centre, participants were invited to work together to design and make comfortable Les Choses seats for an open-air cinema screening. By working on site with the participants and future users of the project to transform unwanted clothes into aesthetic objects, this participative and itinerant scenographic project had virtually zero carbon impact.
Since 2003, smarin has been exploring the notion of comfort and developing unconventional expressions of it, focused on care and well-being. smarin questions and reconsiders our automatisms in order to invent new routines. Using tool-objects and furniture-systems, smarin creates situations for interaction and spaces for collective invention.