Samy Rio

⁠Eyes on Talents member, Samy Rio, contributed last year to the third volume of the Makers Manual, a collection of manuals encouraging people to make objects from what's around them. A collaborative project between exciting makers and STORE STORE, these manuals are both a practical guide to making for beginners and experts and a journey into the practice of designers.⁠ For this project, Samy Rio worked with bent bamboo. In just a few steps, the designer proposes a simple approach to transforming a piece of bamboo into a coat hanger. Rio’s Bamboo Hook showcases a highly versatile material that is often used in everyday products because of the speed with which the grass regenerates and the ease with which the material can be transformed from harvest to product.
Samy Rio is a French industrial designer who began his training as a cabinetmaker. For him, combining craft and industry is not just about improving quality, but also about maintaining control over the objects he develops. Midway between these usually polarised modes of production, he reinvigorates craft traditions while taking mass production to task.