Milja Laurila

Eyes on Talents member, Milja Laurila, exhibits her latest work Untitled Women at the Paris Photo fair as part of Elles x Paris Photo. About her series, Milja explains: "The photographs come from a scientific context, a 1930s book titled Woman. An Historical Gynæcological and Anthropological Compendium. Originally published in German in 1885, it was one of the most influential texts in the sexual science of its time." In Untitled Women, Milja uses a translucent paper to hide the original photograph, revealing only the women’s eyes. "In the original context, a detailed assessment of the women’s body parts was at the center of focus, but now the viewer can’t see them clearly. I turn the attention to the women’s eyes and the power of their gaze. Now it is them who are looking at you. How does it feel to be looked at?"
Milja Laurila was born in 1982 in Helsinki, Finland. She graduated with an MA in Photography from Aalto University in Helsinki in 2010.