Doris Enochs
Marketing Consultant
Doris Enochs
Marketing Consultant
Greensboro, États-Unis
1 - 3 ans d'expérience
23 ans
À propos

My name is Doris Enochs and I am a recent graduate from North Carolina State University. I received my degree from the College of Textiles in May of 2023 with a Bachelors of Science in Fashion and Textile Brand Management and Marketing. I greatly value Sustainability and am seeking full time work wit


h a textile brand who implements related strategies as a pillar in their business. I have an interest in material development, particularly plant-based materials and newly introduced biotechnologies. With a passion for travel, the outdoors, and photography I am seeking creative marketing, brand partnerships, or project planning positions where I may build professional relationships and contribute toward meaningful projects.

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Afficher 5 expériences
Denim 101 Marketing Consultant and Coordinator
White Oak Legacy Foundation jan.. 9, 2024 - Présent
Greensboro , États-Unis

Update organization's website to include present day event information such as: how to register, class schedule, etc. Communicate with organization sponsors to plan networking event logistics including: location, time, budget, etc. Design promotional content/flyers to be shared on social media accoun



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Denim 101 Coordinating Intern
White Oak Legacy Foundation sept.. 16, 2023 - nov.. 12, 2023
Greensboro , États-Unis

Assisted Denim 101 Coordinator acting as communications liaison for 20+ brand attendees. Lead design initiatives in regards to post class video promotion including location, interviewees and video format. Coordinate with previous industry attendees to set-up video interviews. Maintained a professiona


l company presence at visits to Proximity
Manufacturing and Hill Spinning.

En savoir plus
Magna Cum Laude
Raleigh, États-Unis

Maintained a 3.6 GPA throughout my college career.

Clothing Swap
Greater Good Textile Group sept.. 16, 2022 - mai. 5, 2023
Raleigh , États-Unis

Event coordinator for the Greater Good Textile Group's bi-annual clothing swap. I was responsible for planning event logistics including location, time, organizing donated inventory, etc.

Content Creator and Disk Jockey
WKNC-FM août. 21, 2021 - mai. 5, 2023
Raleigh, États-Unis

Attended local shows and festivals to gather promotional content for organization website and social media platforms. Track and update Daytime genre music library to maintain up-to-date inventory. Photograph artist performances and edit using Adobe Lightroom to produce high-quality images.

B.S. Fashion and Textile Brand Management and Marketing
North Carolina State University août. 16, 2019 - mai. 5, 2023
Raleigh, États-Unis

Attended the Wilson College of Textiles obtaining a bachelors of Science in Brand Management and Marketing. Studied all sectors of the textile industry spanning from material science and fabric construction, all the way to product distribution and costing. Area of concentration included studying the


marketing and branding techniques required to launch a successful campaign. Projects included conducting market research, designing detailed marketing campaigns, and designing our own brands.

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Afficher l'expérience
Fashion Marketing
Instituto Lorenzo de Medici jan.. 22, 2022 - mai. 5, 2022
Florence , Italie

Completed a semester abroad studying fashion marketing in Florence, Italy.

Secteurs d'activité





Team Collaboration

Textile Marketing

Brand Marketing

Brand development

Compétences logiciels

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop


Google Suites

Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel...)




Personal details

Carte Verte / Permis de travail américain

Références professionnelles

Russ Robinson

Paige Mullis

Suzette McHugh

Triumphant Hopscotch '22 Performances

My photos were used as media in this review of the Hopscotch music festival in Raleigh, NC.

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