'In a constant race to eradicate the mundane with viral moments and celebrity appointments, Soavelo’s collection is a refreshing take on memory. Referencing the cultural mementos of science fiction architects like Octavia Butler, this collection blends the aesthetics and collective memories of her Sw
iss-Malagasy heritage. In an artful examination of cultural techniques and histories, Saovelo confronts the uncanny senses of childhood nostalgia with future thinking historical references to patent the Malagasy concept of Fihavanana: togetherness. Leveraging her backgrounds in Biodesign, the collection harmonizes cultural memory and methodologies to transform deadstock leathers, raffia fibers, and intricate silhouettes. “My collection combines the minimalism of Swiss culture with the rich essence of Malagasy heritage. It reflects my personal journey from childhood in Madagascar to my current self [and] represents the way our memories can sometimes appear intimidating when we compare our past selves to our present selves.” Spending her youth in a vastly different culture made her question the reality of those memories. This collection is a calculated amalgamation of cherishing the spirit of youth, culture, and memory. Mastering the art of credibility through her creativity, Saovelo challenges the next generation of designers to not be burdened with the expectations of solving all of the world’s issues in one collection. “Focus in on one area, articulate your vision, and master the subject.”'