jessica saunders
Ms Jessica Saunders
jessica saunders
Ms Jessica Saunders
London, Royaume-Uni
Plus de 10 ans d'expérience
À propos

I am an educator and researher who leads internationally recognised fashion courses at University of the Arts London, with a rapidly growing reputation for ethical and socially empathetic design. My research feeds into the curriculum, encompassing waste policy and legislation in fashion and emerging


electronics and nanotechnology. I have created a team dynamic that supports students through innovative, motivational and forward-thinking teaching methods.

Working across a range of disciplines both internally and externally has enabled a high level of student satisfaction and cutting edge knowledge being shared with students and staff.
As a foreward thinking collaborator I have created a supportive framework for colleagues at all levels to thrive and bring their own thinnking into producing world leading students who are changing the values and vision of fashion.

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2023 Speaker International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC)
IERC 2023 - Présent

IERC 2023 (Jan. 18 – 20, Salzburg) is the leading event in the Circular Economy Electronics world. It brings together more than 500 international professionals from production, design, promotion, business development, material supply, recycling, logistics and authorities. An exhibition area with over


60 booths provides the perfect opportunity to reach key industry decision makers and to find out what’s new in the global electronics recycling business.

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2021 E-Waste World Conference
e-waste world 2021 - Présent

E-Waste World Conference & Expo is the must-attend event for recycling companies, critical raw material suppliers, electronics manufacturers and suppliers, ITAD companies, and the entire electronic waste recycling supply chain to come together to discover the latest innovations and solutions to creat


e a circular economy and help create sustainable supply chains for the future. Covering everything from collection and take-back strategies, circular electronics, raw materials, design for recycling, sorting solutions, urban mining, IT asset disposition, and recycling of industrial, commercial, and post-consumer electronics.

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E-textiles Network Global Conference
E-textiles Network oct.. 2020 - oct.. 2021

E-Textiles 2021: International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications.
E-Textiles 2021 will discuss the exciting innovations and challenges in the rapidly emerging field of e-textiles. Topics include textile power supplies, textile sensors and actuators,


ng and materials and applications of e-textiles.

The conference includes seven invited speakers, including three keynote speakers from both academia and industry, plus 13 accepted talks.
Conference Proceedings will be published in MDPI Engineering Proceedings

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Green Gown Award

The award was for embedding sustainability in the curriculum

Secteurs d'activité



