FV 2023 / Chloe Lama

Name: Chloe Lama Country: England Nationality: British
Email: [email protected] Phone: 07513932742
Social media: www.instagram.com/chloelamatextiles
Have I undertaken any sustainability education or training? No
Education Institute: University of the arts London
Nominated by Tutor: Sar


ah Cheyne

Personal Profile and motivations
My reasons for applying for this award is due to the fact I strongely believe in sustainability within the fashion industry and how there is not enough of in the consumer eye. I have always had a deep interest in sustainability within my print collections and I am always trying to think of new ways of creating print using sustainable methods. Sustainability to me is using what you already have to make something new, repurposing is really important to me. I am an avid lover of nature and take great inspiration in what has been given to us to appreciate. Within my personal work, I work a lot with natural dye and manipulate these dyes using shibori techniques along with ice dye. I have just recently developed from working on deadstock fabrics onto deadstock garments as a better way to visualise the final garment and I also get to use the item after the developments.

Title : Deadstock does not mean “dead”

Description of idea:
This idea looks at using either what you already own or finding garments in charity shops and repurposing them to become something new. I believe that there can never be deadstock as they have the opportunity to go through at home processes completely under your control to change them up. For example, a plain t shirt can be tie dyed using vegetable powders to create several colour gradients that would be great to wear during any season. I feel anyone is able to do this as we all have odd bits around the house that could make pattern or a print, I say this as recently I have completed some prints using rusted objects and the results can be really interesting. The main concept here is to look at what we already have and use them on clothing that you maybe think of throwing away and try to give the garment a new lease of life. It is never considered dead if you do not like the outcomes someone out there will.

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Vegetable printing and dyeing

