Type specimens are meant to inspire designers. Over the decades, they have transformed from functional documents — showing type in different weights and sizes to objects that primarily sell type. Specimens are artefacts made by and for type designers to evolve the type culture as type design cannot b


e separated from the environment which it lives in. This leads me to my interest – despite its visual function – of the language used within, as an object of linguistic investigation, which again, raises the question of whether type specimens serve as contemporary witnesses that provide insights into the prevailing type culture.
«Specimens to read» is a magazin, with each issue dedicated to a single topic:(1_Revivals / 2_FreedomOfPrint / 3_Measurements). The selected specimens are relevant to the content and give insights into the world of type design through the lens of type specimens. Direct quotes are put into context with each other and explained by an additional off-voice.

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Projet suivant par Raphaela Haefliger