Magdalena Joanna Wittchen
Magdalena Joanna Wittchen
London, Royaume-Uni
Plus de 10 ans d'expérience
À propos

I am investigating the urban landscape, and the crowds that dwell in it.

The group dynamics and visibility of the singular frame within the urban canvas and the incidental happenings which populate it.

I explore the female presence, empowerment and involvement in The Moment against centuries of m


arginalisation and sexual division.

I use the canvas of concrete, the urban language of the Metropolis, the shadow, the light and the physical language of the inhabitants which cloak my camera’s mood through layers of textures and density of colour.

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Afficher l'expérience
Aesthetica Art Prize - Longlist
Aesthetica mai. 2021 - Présent

Aesthetica Art Prize Anthology: Future Now Publication

Special Mention of the Jury
Dior Photography Award for Young Talents
Arles, France
Afficher 3 expériences
MA Photography
Royal College of Art (London) sept.. 26, 2018 - juil.. 3, 2019
London, Royaume-Uni
Contemporary Art Practice - Critical Pathway
Royal College of Art (London) sept.. 1, 2016 - juil.. 3, 2017
London, Royaume-Uni
BA Fine Arts
Chelsea College of Art and Design sept.. 1, 2013 - juil.. 1, 2016
London, Royaume-Uni
Secteurs d'activité






Compétences logiciels

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe CC Suite



Langue natale




Capacité professionnelle


Capacité professionnelle

5 young photographers pushing the bounds of ‘feminine beauty’

Magdalena J. Wittchen—Royal College of Art, UK

When Magdalena Wittchen immigrated from Poland to the UK, she began life on her own. “I pretty much lived by myself since I was 15,” explained the artist. “And it was hard, of course, but I grew up very quickly.” Now a recent MA graduate of London’s R


oyal College of Art, Wittchen examines the ways in which people move through, and walk unexamined through, the streets.

“I use photography kind of against itself,” said the artist in Arles. “I shoot in a low light situation. I also shoot outside on the streets at night or after the sun goes down. I don’t use models. I’ve tried. I want to photograph people who don’t know that I’m photographing them. I focus on a color, on a movement, on the dynamics of the street, and on this idea that in any outside setting, people really focus on getting from A to B. We all kind of get very isolated.”

The result is distant, but striking, bringing about the emotions of disconnect and loneliness within the viewer. “I think I’m not finished with the urban and the street and with the strangers,” said Wittchen.

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