Nest & Blush carpets

The collaboration with Yo2 design is the result of pictorial research carried out during the first lockdown in March 2020. Nest and Blush high quality printed rugs represent intimate worlds, personal and collective aspirations. The brushstrokes with pointillist touches, the moving gesture are availab


le in different formats and shades, offering all their place to color and the translation of light. The Nest series defines a comforting space. Its vibrant and colorful theme comes alive with movements, lights up in areas and takes on luminous reflections. The touches of color abound, superimposed or juxtaposed, they generate new shapes and lights, new spaces to explore. Nest and Blush high quality printed rugs represent intimate worlds, personal and collective aspirations.
The Blush series conveys a wonderful and sudden emotion, capturing a stage of joy and well being. Pleasure is transmitted and infused through the body of the carpet, a special moment, an encounter, a secret thought or the delight of the senses.​​​​​​​

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Projet suivant par Clementine Chambon