ARTnews Awards 2024
Image: Installation view of MOCA Focus: Eddie Rodolfo Aparicio, The Geffen Contemporary, MOCA, 2023. Courtesy of The Museum of Contemporary Art. Photo by Jeff McLane.
Eddie Rodolfo Aparicio
Emerging Artist of the Year
Eddie Rodolfo Aparicio has been named Emerging Artist of the Year for the exhibition "MOCA Focus: Eddie Rodolfo Aparicio" at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Marking Aparicio’s first solo museum presentation, the exhibition acted as a mini-survey for this young artist, with work made between 2016 and 2023 represented alongside three site-specific commissions. Aparicio tends to use unconventional materials to mine specific histories related to Los Angeles and El Salvador. Juan Edgar Aparicio, Eddie’s father and himself an artist, was born in that nation and fled it during the country’s civil war.
Image: Installation view of Delcy Morelos, El abrazo [The Embrace], 2023. Recycled garden soil, clay from Dia Beacon, coir, hay, cinnamon, clove, copaiba oil, Eco Tackifier, water, fragrance, dimensions variable. © Delcy Morelos. Courtesy of Dia Chelsea, New York. Photo by Bill Jacobson Studio, New York.
Delcy Morelos
Established Artist of the Year
Delcy Morelos has been named Established Artist of the Year for the exhibition "Delcy Morelos: El abrazo" at the Dia Art Foundation, New York. With her large-scale sculptures composed primarily of earth, Delcy Morelos has filled entire rooms with large-scale installations that explore how humans relate to the land they walk upon. Soil, hay, cinnamon, and cloves recur in these transportive pieces, which are variously intended to communicate cosmovisions and channel altered states. Often monumental in size and spare in their aesthetic, her sculptures recall Minimalist art of the 1960s and '70s, though they also draw directly from the knowledge and aesthetics of Indigenous Amazonian cultures.
Image: Exhibition view of María Magdalena Campos-Pons: Behold, Brooklyn Museum, NY, 2023. Photo by Paula Abreu Pita / Danny Perez.
María Magdalena Campos-Pons
Lifetime Achievement
María Magdalena Campos-Pons received the Lifetime Achievement award for the exhibition "María Magdalena Campos-Pons: Behold" at the Brooklyn Museum, New York. For more than three decades, María Magdalena Campos-Pons has used her body as a vessel in performances, photographs, sculptural installations, collages, and videos. A 2023 winner of the MacArthur Fellowship, the artist has variously addressed motherhood, her family’s transnational heritage, and the hidden histories all around her, using objects and sites in her home country of Cuba to speak to painful generational memories of enslavement that linger on today. Across her multifarious body of work, she shows how the past is embedded in us, the people we hold dear, and the objects we collect.
2025 Crystal Award
Image: Riken Yamamoto, Ecoms House, Tosu, Japan, 2004. Courtesy of Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop.
Riken Yamamoto
Crystal Award
Riken Yamamoto received the 2025 Crystal Award for his outstanding contributions to architecture and society. His dedication to community regeneration, groundbreaking work in sustainability and thoughtful design philosophy have had a significant impact on communities in Japan and beyond. His influential designs, including Hotakubo Housing, Saitama Prefectural University, Jian Wai SOHO and the Yokosuka Museum of Art, reflect his belief in architecture as a catalyst for human connection and societal progress. After the 2011 earthquake in Japan, he founded the Local Area Republic Lab to support community regeneration, reinforcing his commitment to architecture as a place for healing.
Image: Marbre à tout prix © Isabeau de Rouffignac
Isabeau de Rouffignac
Bourse Le climat en images
Isabeau de Rouffignac received the grant "Le climat en images", for her project Les trop jeunes épouses des moussons [The too-young wives of the monsoons], on the consequences of global warming in Pakistan, including the early marriage of young girls. Pakistan is one of the 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change. The monsoons, essential for the country's farmers, are becoming increasingly violent and destructive. Having lost all their crops and means of subsistence, many villages never recovered, putting millions of people on the road. To survive, some families have no choice but to marry off their daughters, sometimes very young.
Image: Les Suppliantes, 2022 © Safia Delta
Safia Delta
Résidence 120 ans Houlgate
Safia Delta was chosen to carry out a residency to mark the 120th anniversary of Houlgate, the Normandy town that hosts LES FEMMES S’EXPOSENT festival every year. With her winning project Des brumées terrestres [Earthly mists], drawing on the key dates in the town's history, from the 19th century to the present day, from the farming village it once was to the seaside resort it has become, Safia Delta will retrace the course of time, putting the land, the words of its inhabitants and the archives collected into perspective.
Hyundai Terrace Commission
Image: Marina Zurkow, Mesocosm (Wink, TX), 2012. Courtesy of bitforms gallery.
Marina Zurkow
Hyundai Terrace Commission
The Whitney Museum of American Art and Hyundai Motor Company chose media artist Marina Zurkow for the next Hyundai Terrace Commission, on view from April 2025 through early 2026. Shown on a large-scale video wall, the winning artwork The River is a Circle is an animation based on custom software that offers a split view of the Hudson River, revealing the world above and below the water. Driven by algorithmic probability and real-time climate and tide data from the Hudson River estuary, the software continuously reflects New York City’s current weather conditions.
About the Hyundai Terrace Commission
Han Nefkens Foundation
Southeast Asian Video Art Production Grant 2024
Image: Still from video, When Need Moves the Earth, synchronized 3 – channel video, 2014. © Som Supaparinya
Som Supaparinya
Southeast Asian Video Art Production Grant
Som Supaparinya was raised in Lamphun and now lives and works in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Her work spans still and moving images, sound, installation, objects and text which have produced mainly with a documentarian and experimental approach. The works focus on the impact of human activities on other humans and landscape through ecological, political, historical, and literary lenses. Her works are stories on noodles cultures, the change of the riverscapes, cityscapes, routes, electricity generation, resistance sites and banned books. She co-founded the CAC-Chiang Mai Art Conversation since 2013, to stir the art scene there by producing art maps, events and online information.
About the Han Nefkens Foundation Southeast Asian Video Art Production Grant