This work is repositioning the perspective of the traditional carpet construction technique of tufting within the context of fashion design. That is through the unconventional replacement of the woven base with a knitted fabric alternative. The unconventional merge of techniques formed a visual langu
age of biomorphism. The different properties affect each-others behaviors which result in a material with a new behavior, the new material gets its own life and its own form.
The work’s title was chosen because it reflects that all garments were made of knit squares due to the size limitation of the knitting machine and the shape of the tufting frame. The knitted backings are performed on a Silver Reed hand-knitting machine to manufacture smaller squares and on the industrial knitting machine Shima Seiki to generate larger squares. The backings are tufted with a hand tufting machine on a 1.5 x 1.5 m tufting frame, by using the elasticity in the knit when draping, no material was discarded.
Combining knitting with tufting can generate more fabric properties that can be used in Fashion. I want my work to broaden the approach to tufting and demonstrate the immense shaping possibilities the technique has when combined with knitwear.
Knitwear, Womenswear
Trial and error
cotton, Linen, polyester, elastic yarn
Adobe Photoshop