‘‘A Forensic selfie’’ is a comment on authenticity of the self in contemporary networked visual culture. Complicated by the pervasive role of social media, it has become increasingly difficult to discern the counterfeit from the authentic. Furthermore, what does authenticity look like in the contempo
rary era? How to be ‘real’ ‘’when everyone is watching?”1 Using Photo Forensic, a scientific open source program made to identify images that have been digitally modified as a creative tool, the project explores the ambiguity between aestheticization and truth. By manipulating the ‘’positive’’ picture, in order to have a visual outcome from the software, the forensic tool became an apparatus equal to the camera itself to “cast bodies,” to create identities, to establish worlds. Combining closely cropped, self-portraits with the eyes of the machine algorithm, the work questions the mediums relationship to authenticity in the digital world, claiming manipulation as quest to achieve ‘‘a true self’’.
Abstract & Fine Art, Experimental, Self-portrait