Court circuit is a local and sustainable project led by
Basile Boon at his studio Peau in the MAD Brussels, with whom I had the opportunity to do a three month internship.

I chose to participate in this project because I was interested in the challenge of creating a collection of small accessories m


ade from recycled leather jackets with a local process of production and resale.

The leathers came from jackets collected and selected by Les Petits Riens. A well known non-profit organisation that collects clothes and furniture in Belgium.

I assisted Basile during the creation of the first prototypes intended for sale and I helped him in the realization and rationalization of the patterns adapted to the handicapped people who then ensured the handmade production in a social enterprise based in Brussels : L’Ouvroir.

Today, the leather products are still sold in the Petits Riens shops of the city.

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Bags, Leather goods, Headpiece


Recycled Leather Jackets

Next project by Clémentine Le Guerec