Transdisciplinary Fashion Practioner
Transdisciplinary Fashion Practioner
Based in
London, United Kingdom
More than 10 years experience
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Fashion Director
Far Near 2021 - Present
New York, United States
Fashion MA
Royal College of Art (London) Sep. 2023 - Sep. 2024
London, United Kingdom
See 1 more achievement
Khaore Nov. 2016 - 2023
New York , United States
ANDAM Accessories Prize 2019
Paris, France

Developed ceramic piece in collaboration with Wear Innovations Studio in India, to simulate texture of jute

International Festival of Fashion and Photography in Hyères
Hyères, France

Researched and referenced Lesage archives in Paris to develop embroideries for a capsule collection created with up-cycled Swarovski crystals in collaboration with artisans from India, showcased at Villa Noallies festival in Hyeres, France

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Design Assistant
3.1 Phillip Lim Sep. 2016 - May. 2017
New York, United States
Speaker, TEDxBangalore
Freelance Feb. 2017 - Feb. 2017
Womenswear, BFA
Parsons The New School for Design (New York) Aug. 2012 - May. 2016
New York, United States
Thesis: identite
Parsons the New School for Design 2015 - 2016
New York, United States

Received sponsorship to develop embroideries with artisans at Sreepriya Exports in India
Collaborated with sculptor Narayan Sinha for development of accessories collection

Recipient, Deans BFA Scholarship
Parsons The New School 2012 - 2016
New York, United States
The Row 2014 - 2015
New York, United States

Develop design concepts, research and inspiration, develop technical samples
Research product development in cross functional calendar: initial design concept, color and material,
photo reviews, finishing final samples, leather and hardware development, engineering embroidery placement
Worked cl


osely with accessories designer to develop design ideas, create stories and presentations for
reviews and meetings, created digital renderings and physical samples for further review
Established technical aspects for - the knot bag, the ascot bag, the hobo bag, double-frame bag, floral,
satchel bag, two for one 10th bag, drum bag, party time 7 chain bag

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Accessories Production Intern, Handbags
The Row May. 2014 - Jul. 2014
New York, United States

Assisted in showroom organization and presentations, sample tracking, market research, merchandising and development

Design Intern, Womenswear
Jonathan Cohen May. 2014 - Jul. 2014
New York, United States

Assisted in pattern cutting, sample making, alterations, grading, draping print placements
Working alongside atelier for fit and sampling for spring/summer 2015, RTW collection

Industry sectors






Art direction

Creative Direction

Accessories Designer

Editorial Direction

Software skills

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe AfterEffects



Basic knowledge







Types of contracts
Full Time
3 jeunes labels d’accessoires qui mettent le cuir à l’honneur

À l’heure où les créateurs sont nombreux à opter pour du tissu, des matières synthétiques ou des alternatives durables pour concevoir leurs sacs et accessoires, certains continuent d’utiliser du cuir véritable, tout en tenant compte de son processus de transformation et de sa provenance. Numéro revie


nt sur une sélection de jeunes créateurs qui, dès leur sortie d'école, ont choisi de mettre le cuir à l’honneur. Un travail qui a très vite été reconnu à travers de nombreux prix, comme l'ANDAM et le Festival d'Hyères.

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Geometric bags are the shape of style to come

Redrawing the lines between art and the ordinary has been the goal of the New York accessory label Khaore, since it started out in 2017. (It owes its refined logo to Natasha Jen and her team at Pentagram.) Founded by designers Wei Hung Chen and Raiheth Rawla, Khaore offers a collection of architectur


al handbags that elevates the mundane act of carrying your daily essentials around to the level of portable structures. Whether it’s the ‘Athaarah’ – a geometric top-handled beauty available in a variety of materials and finishes, or the ‘Kutchra’ – a clutch-tote hybrid that comes with elongated handles, each Khaore design embodies a versatile and multi-use sensibility. The bags are designed in New York and produced in India, Italy and the USA.

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The LOFF Crush: Khaore, upcoming New York-based accessories label

L’Officiel Malaysia is set to pin down the new crop of rising stars in the fashion and creative realm, with Khaore (@khaore.studio) being a solid contender for our first comeback of the "Crush" series, which saw the likes of model EZ, designer Yoon Ahn of Ambush and more highlighted previously.



ing the accessories prize winner of the prestigious 2019 ANDAM (the National Associate for the Development of the Fashion Arts) in Paris helps set a strong basis to their young business, especially with the hands-on mentoring from Hermès they earned through the prize.

Keep reading to learn more about how the pair behind the brand redefines what a bag should look like in this day and age.

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Découvrez les lauréats de l’Andam 2019

Prix Accessoires de Mode, doté de 50 000 € : Khaore
Fondé à New York par Wei Hung Chen et Raiheth Rawla en 2017, Khaore crée des accessoires dans une optique durable et éthique. Les pièces proposées dans leur collection “Bora” sont créées en fibre de jute, un tissu dont ils souhaitent explorer les p


ossibilités au delà du simple tote bag. Les créateurs se sont déplacés trois fois jusqu’à Calcutta en Inde pour visiter la fabrique de tissu, avec laquelle la famille de Raiheth Rawla travaille depuis 20 ans. Grâce au prix ANDAM, ils seront parrainés pendant un an par Guillaume de Seynes, le directeur général d’Hermès. Celui-ci a déclaré être “particulièrement séduit” par la “créativité et le sens de la qualité” des créateurs.

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Khaore’s New Jute Bags Were Inspired by Forms Found Inside the Noguchi Museum

Earlier this year, designers Wei Hung Chen and Raiheth Rawla took a field trip to Queens. They were there to visit the Noguchi Museum and see firsthand how, in Chen’s own words, Isamu Noguchi’s sculptures “harmonize with their surroundings.” Chen and Rawla were inspired by the artist and landscape ar


chitect’s biomorphic work while contemplating their second collection of bags under their label Khaore, which they launched late last year after graduating from Parsons. The curvaceous carryalls are made using jute vegetable fiber from a 100-year-old mill in Kolkata, India, that Rawla’s family has been working with for the last two decades.

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