Consonance is a scenic design project located in the heart of Paris. The architectural project is to create a “sound pavillon” that is based on the sound waves of the city
Existing architecture designs the space for music but not for the product of sound itself. Think of a "liquid architecture” that
adapts, transforms itself, to the sound it perceives. Almost like a mirror reflection of the entire sound environment that surrounds us but still remains invisible.
The pavillon give the opportunity to live an interactive experience that is linked to the urban soundscape.
Here, there are four separate areas that slowly lead us to silence and then slowly rediscover step by step the sounds of the city.
The first room is based around people and their own sounds - the sounds are amplified as if we are in a church and the sound echos.
The second room is a totally sound free like an anechoic chamber (meaning "non-reflective, non-echoing) is a room designed to completely absorb reflections of different sounds.
This is often compared to being in the uterus Where sounds can only be perceived as small vibrations
The third room slowly takes people back into the world of sound - in this room there is a pond of water and there are some speakers. Each time the speaker creates sound we can see ever increasing circles in the water - this is known as the cymetic effect and visually portrays the vibrations of the sounds
In the 4th room there is an interactive wall made of acoustic materials that react to the music that is being played in the room. Musicians can play music.
Surrounding these 4 structures there is a system of tall moving metal rods - which recalls the form of harp strings or the the hammers in a modern-day piano creating the sound waves of the city.
Temporary & Micro Architecture
3d print, illustration, Paper Model
Photoshop, Autocad, 3ds max