Fashion Designer
Fashion Designer
Based in
Milan, Italy
3 - 5 years experience
22 years old

My name is Laman Khanlarova, I was born and raised in Baku, Azerbaijan. Inspired by my mother, my passion for design began at an early age. I have always dreamed of making a name for myself in the fashion world through my designs and contributions as I truly enjoy using my designs to express my ideas


and feelings. To pursue my dreams, in 2020 I enrolled at Istituto Marangoni Milan, and I graduated in March of 2024 with a score of 110/110. I have always drawn inspiration from the unspoken stories around me and created designs aiming to become a form of expression for those unheard.

I truly enjoy using my designs to express my ideas and feelings. I have a strong thirst to learn and be the possible best at my position. I am extremely passionate about fashion
and accessory design, and I am confident about my passion,
creativity, teamwork, and attention to detail.

I am ready to fulfill the requirements in any possibility since all I need is just an opportunity to prove myself and my skills.

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Fashion Design & Accessories
Istituto Marangoni Sep. 15, 2020 - Mar. 4, 2024
Milan, Italy

To pursue my dreams, in 2020 I enrolled at Istituto Marangoni Milan, and I graduated in March of 2024 with a score of 110/110. During my 3 years of educational experience I have gained a deep understanding of technical design, illustration, 3d Design and problem-solving, and I have developed a passi


on for creating high-quality garments and accessories.

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Exhibited my collection "De'Void"
Fashion Graduate Italia Oct. 24, 2023 - Oct. 26, 2023
Milan, Italy

I got selected to represent Istituto Marangoni for FGI - Outfits from my collection “De’Void” got Exhibited at the Base Milano

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Fashion design intern
Erica Marigliani Jul. 15, 2023 - Oct. 15, 2023
Milan, Italy

Production - Accessory & RTW item Design and Pattern making
Presentation - Illustration , Flat technicals
Research - Fashion trends , Production Techniques
Directly communicating with suppliers

“ESTRANGEMENT” Fashion Show of 10 Best Fashion Design Students of Istituto Marangoni
Milan, Italy

I got selected by a jury made up of experts in the fashion system, from publishing to the most creative I got selected by a jury made up of experts in the fashion system, from publishing to the most creative
sections of corporate realities, from art director to buyer and Showcasing my collection “De



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Massimo Dutti Contest
Milan, Italy

I was selected as a Finalist for the Massimo Dutti Contest collaboration with Istituto Marangoni. Presented my original project ( Illustrations, production charts, 3D renderings)

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Design assistant
Atelier Rama Oct. 1, 2021 - Oct. 1, 2022
Baku, Azerbaijan

Assistance - in Production, Sketching & Ideas, creating options with illustrations
Responsibilities - Fabric research, Attending Fittings, Communication, and Visualization of the needs

"Discover your talent" Contest by Attico
Milan, Italy

Selected as a finalist - Presentation of my original project to Gilda Ambrosio (Genderless collection of skirts, illustrations, Patternmaking, Realization and Production of the final selected skirt)

Industry sectors






3D Rendering

Fashion Designer

Leathergoods Designer



Pattern Making

Accessories Designer

Apparel Graphic Design

Software skills

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator


Adobe InDesign


Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel...)





Professional knowledge


Native language




Basic knowledge

Types of contracts
Freelance / Missions
Full Time
Part time
In house / Interim management
Internship / Work-study
Personal details

UE working permit

Professional references

Erica Marigliani

Le collezioni dei 10 Best Designer di Istituto Marangoni scendono in passerella

Una giuria di esperti ha selezionato dieci giovani talenti, studenti dell'anno accademico 2022/2023, che, in occasione di uno show tra digitale e fisico, hanno portato in scena le proprie collezioni

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