MA Collection WRTW A/W 2016, 'Life After People'

A/W 2016 Masters Graduation Collection

The Collection is based on the post-apocalyptic, future perspective vision of the world. WHAT WOULD OUR PLANET LOOK LIKE WHEN OUR POPULATION DISAPPEARS? The starting point and at the same time the key image I had in mind and to which I aiming to refer back f


or every visual aspect of the collection is based on a white clean ARCHITECTURE captured by a coloured firework of FLORA growing all over the human constructions and creating a paradise of colours. The human beings have vanished from the earth. Finally the vegetation has its territory back.
Though it is has a bitter taste because of the lack of people the focus is on an optimistic feeling of peaceful harmony in a paradise of vegetation. It is about the positive power of life and the symbiosis of every organism living next to each other.
My story and scenario is inspired by the documentary ‘Life after People’, a television series, released in 2008, in which scientists, structural engineers, and other experts speculate about what might become of Earth should humanity instantly disappear.
The collection progresses from a less to a more organic aesthetic with a graduating effect: the floral organism coming from the underneath garments, breaking or exploiting the architectural, clean looks with the floral appearance. That means that the first look of the collection is presented by the most clinical white and architectural looking outfit with a tiny integration of the flower idea whereas the last one represents a huge flower itself.

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Womenswear, Outerwear, Costume Design & Artistic Representations